The Spark Society is an action-focused mastermind community of changemakers collaborating tospark creativity in each other.

Are you stuck spinning your wheels, unsure how to level up your brand and get real results?

The Spark Society is here to change that.

This action-focused mastermind brings together a community of driven changemakers, collaborating to spark creativity and growth in each other. With hands-on workshops, personalized feedback, and monthly meetups, you'll finally have the guidance, support, and accountability you need to push past overwhelm and make real progress.

You have the opportunity to join us today while locking in an amazing founding member price...for life. 😱 Take control of your brand’s future with a supportive group that’s here to help you inspired, focused, and moving forward.

Your founding membership includes:

  • VIP Access to Workshop Classes

    • Replays/Access to Videos

  • One “Office Hours” Co-Working Call per Month


  • Quarterly SPARK Sessions - each offered 1x per quarter

    •  Launch Pad

      • A 1x per quarter call where you can show up, share your offers/lead magnets/landing pages, and get real-time feedback before launching it

    • Idea Lab

      • A 1x per quarter call where you can share ideas and get insights on the first steps to take as you’re getting started

    • Spotlight

      • A 1x per quarter 1:1 strategy call with Jessi to get individualized attention + action taking coaching

  • 15% discount on This Way to Fabulous Services & Events

this founding membership is valued over $1000+ per month with Access to over 240 minutes of new content per month

  • Plus you'll be first in line for access to all updated features, bonuses and opportunities

Join The Spark Society by Friday, October 4th and get hot-pink-fairy-godmothered into this lifetime rate!

yes, i said lifetime access!!!

Our founding membership opportunity is capped at 20 people, so make the most of this opportunity while you can!

No products available

The Spark Society is a sub-brand of This Way to Fabulous Inc.